Thursday, December 1, 2011

Make Money from Wikipedia

Wikipedia is one of the most authentic sites on the internet. Making money from a site that is by itself free of advertisements, sounds a bit strange, but believe me it's possible. Today's article focuses on the way by which you may make money from Wikipedia.

These days almost all of us have at least a blog, some people have websites. Most of the user promote there blogs or websites to increase the traffic and thereby increasing there ad revenue.

Follow the below steps, and see a difference in your earnings. The only prerequisite is that, you need to own a website or a blog.
  1. Make sure that your website or blog has a decent number of posts or content. I believe that a number of 30+ posts is sufficiently fine.
  2. Promote your blog or site, through as much resources that you can. This will help to make Google aware about your site.
  3. Make a few articles in your site, and provide links to Wikipedia in them for reference for the users. Since Wikipedia is the most authentic site for any content, so harm in linking to it. That in fact makes your site more authentic.
Now here's the meat of the above pointers.
All the search engines value highly authentic sites, and if you are linking to any one of them, then implicitly you are directing the user to a very authentic resource. This linking automatially improves your page rank and search query results for many keywords.

The result could be realized via the difference in earnings and the increase in page views for your site. The search engine thinks that since you are directing the user to Wikipedia, therefore you must be proving some useful information to them.

I had myself realized the difference in some of my blogs. Though the linking was not intentional, and I only referred to Wikipedia for authentic information, I realized an increase in my earnings.

The aim is to help the viewer to help yourself. If the user finds the content and the links useful, he will definitely visit it again, or least bookmark it, thereby automatically improving your ranking of web pages.

I hope I made my point clear. Keep buzzing Ways to make easy money for more information.

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This is a personal blog about money making ideas and related topics. There might be inaccuracies and the author takes no responsibility of any damage occurring due to the same. The articles posted are my personal opinions that I have gathered over the time span. My opinions are liable to change as I become more educated over the time period. No decision should be made on the basis of the articles of this blog. The author does not accept any responsibility for any damage or inconvenience caused due to the articles and opinions expressed in this blog. The readers are advised to make there research from proper sources before making any investment decision.