We know investment in real estates is the most preferred investment and the most beneficial one. Similarly, Domain Names are the the Internet real Estate property in which investment at any time is sure to give you good returns in a very short span of time. Like in real estate we see how quickly one's money gets double, similarly by investing your money in domains you can multiply your assets within no time.
Yes, buying domains names and then selling it gives you great returns, but what matters in this entire process is the domain you select to buy. Before you invest your hard earn money in any domain you should do prior research and then pick the domain name. There are millions of domains available over the Internet and among them you have to select one or few domains that can give you best returns.
To make money with domains you need to think about what type of domains you want and what you want the end result be. There are several ways of making money through domains like buying and holding, developing or leaving it as it is etc. It is not a random process that which so ever available pick up and register it.
Yes, buying domains names and then selling it gives you great returns, but what matters in this entire process is the domain you select to buy. Before you invest your hard earn money in any domain you should do prior research and then pick the domain name. There are millions of domains available over the Internet and among them you have to select one or few domains that can give you best returns.
To make money with domains you need to think about what type of domains you want and what you want the end result be. There are several ways of making money through domains like buying and holding, developing or leaving it as it is etc. It is not a random process that which so ever available pick up and register it.
So, before selecting a domain be sure what you want to do and accordingly make decision of buying and registering any domain. You can register for entirely a new domain or for an existing or expired domain. Investing in registered or expired domains can increase the visibility of your Website and thus you can utilize its traffic that will convert to sales. Though there are millions of domains that are currently registered so its tough to make a decision which one you would like to buy.

There are multiple ways through which you can come to know how much traffic a site is getting and accordingly you can make your decision. The more traffic a site is able to pull, the more chances of getting good earning. Read this article to know How-To-Find-Money-Making-Domains?
Once your research is completed now you should check for its availability. For this also their are multiple online tools available that you can use to check availability. Once you get the domain of your choice you need to select a registrar to register it. You can go with any registrar like godaddy.com and get your domain registered.
When the domain gets registered, now finally it comes how to make money with the selected domain. Following are the things you can do to monetize your registered domain.
- Buying and Holding
You can simply make money by buying domain names that you think contains niche of the market, and keep holding it until you get one who is interested in it and then sell it at a good price. For this you should buy domains that have high value and good traffic potential. Domains that contains keywords instead of just string of words and are short in length are more valued domains then longer domain names.
Following this strategy you can buy new unregistered domains, expired domains or even aged domains that is that are own by others. To get high valued with good potential of traffic aged domains or expired domains you can use services and sites like sedo.com, namejet and snapnames.com. - Leasing Domains
Next money making strategy is leasing your registered domain. This is just like renting your place to someone else for their office use or as a retail space for a business. For leasing domains you need to buy a new or expired domain names that is relevant or might add value to an existing business model or an individual wants to develop it for its business use.
You can park your domain with the company with which you registered the domain and provide your details such as your contact information so that interested prospects may contact you for leasing your domain to them. Based on individual requirements an agreement can be signed up with the rent on the domain per month. The only thing that rest on your end is don't forget to register your domain every year so that it may not get expired. - Developing Domains
Till now we discussed how you can make money with domain by selling your domain or leasing to someone else on rent. Now another way of making money with buying domain is, buy a domain of your interest and after getting registered develop it. Developing domain after buying it, increases its value and its return of investment. In this way you need to work hard for developing your domain as an actual website and you also need a reliable stream of Internet Traffic along with some monthly source of income.
While developing you also need to promote it through various online and offline ways to increase traffic to your site and hence increasing its popularity. Later on after developing if you want to sell it you ca also do it and it will definitely give you better results because of its content and backlinks. For auction purpose you can list your domain for sale on sites including Flippa, DigitalPoint, SitePoint, WebSiteBroker etc. - Park Your Domain
You can even simply use your registered domain for parking. This is an easiest and fastest way to make money through Domaining. A parking service will populate your domain with advertisements that are ads of google or yahoo itself.
Now that you have your domain, you need to start making money. If you have a good generic term domain name, or you just think many people will visit your domain, the easiest and fastest way to make money is to park your domain. When people visit your domain, and click on the links, the parking company will share the revenue with you. For more details of making money through parking your domain read Make-Money-From-Domain-Parking. - Domain Redirection
This is service provided by web registrars itself that allows to redirect your domain traffic to an entirely different website or blog. This is a good way to make money when used along with some affiliate program. People make money through it by redirecting their visitors to affiliate programs.
These programs pay you for sending them potential buyers. As a first step you need to sign up with an affiliate program like clickbank, CommissionJunction, Amazon.com, ebay.com etc. You have to ask your registrar for redirection service.
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